When you take a look at the marketing support that Distinction Doors offers, you quickly realise it offers the same level of market-leading quality and innovation as its doors.
Bethaney Larkman, Distinction’s Marketing Manager, said: “Our unrivalled marketing support package has been designed to give our customers a competitive advantage and help them secure sales.”
One of the most compelling elements of the marketing package is the Skin Book. The Skin Book is a first for the industry and it shows the complete range of 43 colours, including five standard colours, two premium colours, two wood stains and over thirty bespoke colours all on swatches of Distinction’s woodgrain skins so homeowners can choose their door colour with confidence.
As befits a company renowned for its innovation, Distinction was the first company to introduce its Skin Book and their customers report that it aids consumer decision-making and is a superb tool to help in the overall sales process. Bethaney comments: “As market leader, it’s our responsibility to lead the way across the industry and our Skin Book is a perfect example of our ability to innovate in all areas of the business.”
Other highlights include the company’s in-house graphic design service that produces bespoke marketing materials to support their customers’ sales processes. The company’s door-designer application is also a well-valued customer aid and can be personalised for Distinction’s customers and their customers’ websites to promote their composite doors and Distinction Glass offering.
Distinction also offers an online knowledge bank and asset library via the trade log in area of their website that provide customers with electronic versions of documentation and marketing material. Finally, a useful showroom locator allows retailers to find their nearest Distinction showroom to help drive traffic for their customers.
If you want to capitalise on the growth in composite doors, not only do you need a market-leading product, you also need market-leading support – and that’s exactly what Distinction Doors offers.