On 7th January, over 35 Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) Member companies met with the GGF Technical team to discuss the impact of the Government Future Homes Consultation proposals and to finalise the GGF’s response to the Consultation.
The meeting was chaired by David Borland, Technical Officer who led the forum covering the following key points:
- Approved Document L (on energy efficiency) was addressed and to achieve the Government’s Zero Carbon targets for new homes by 2050 the following options were discussed.
- Option 1 – immediate introduction of triple glazing as compulsory for new build
- Opt 2 – move towards improved U value through improved products by 2025

The Group unanimously preferred Option 2 based on the following grounds. Firstly that Option 1 – compulsory triple glazing with immediate effect would be too difficult to achieve as the industry is not ready (in terms of manufacture, supply and installation) for this significant shift, though long term it should remain a goal. Option 2 – improving a properties U-Value would be the easier and more gradual process which would allow the industry to use improved and upgraded products/components to achieve the Government targets as proposed in the Consultation.
The GGF will reflect the above in its response.
- Approved Document F (ventilation) was next on the agenda.
The practicalities of achieving the background ventilation requirements as per the proposal through the use of trickle vents was discussed. It was deemed that this would be difficult in the current systems and trickles vents available. The Group asked that the GGF explore this area further in its response to the consultation to gain greater clarification on the ventilation requirements as proposed in the Consultation.
The general consensus at the meeting was the GGF supported the Government’s agenda, plans and commitment to Zero Carbon by 2050 but will strongly recommend to Government that the Glass and Glazing industry will need at least 5 years to get set up to achieve the 2050 targets. It was unanimously agreed that the industry at present, is not in position to achieve the targets proposed.
The GGF will issue a hard copy of the full response to the Future Home Consultation at the next Joint Window and Door Group and Conservatory Association meeting in Birmingham on the 6th February, one day before the Government deadline of 7th February for responses to this Consultation. To attend this meeting please contact technical@ggf.org.uk
The deadline to feed into the GGF response has now passed but Members can still respond direct to the Consultation.
You can view/download the consultation proposals by clicking here