Got 2 Minutes? Slick Video Shows Installers How AdminBase Will Help Re-Launch Their Businesses Out of Lockdown

Window, door and conservatory installers emerging from lockdown will be faced with enormous challenges as they re-launch their businesses, in a world in which nothing is as it was when the UK was formally shutdown on 23rd March.

Social distancing will be the way of the world for many months, perhaps even years. Faced with the new logistical complexities of running an installation business, the people at Ab Initio Software, developers of UK’s most popular window installer management system, have a simple message: Use AdminBase to manage your business as you come out of lockdown and ensure you make the most of every opportunity. And to allow installers to understand just how AdminBase will do that, they have produced a short and highly effective explainer video.

Just 2 minutes long, the video shows how AdminBase, which has been the go-to window and door installer management software for more than 20 years with more than 3,000 users, can make every stage of the installation process – including canvassing, sales, survey, installation, service calls and warranty records – slick, accurate and, crucially, easier to manage.

The video shows how sales enquiries may quickly be turned into accurate quotations with everything kept securely in the same place, eradicating scrawled notes on scraps of paper, duplication, handwritten contracts, surveys and fitter notes – and errors. Available on a range of devices including mobile tablets such as iPads and with apps for sales, survey, installation and service calls, data is stored centrally with a range of features that include emailed quotes and contracts, ordering from suppliers, installation notes and through to final sign off and invoicing.

Rhonda Ridge, who realised the need for an integrated project management system when managing the finances for a window installation company, says watching the video could be the most profitable 2 minutes spent: “We set out to produce a video that quickly shows what AdminBase can do for installers – whilst being mindful that there appears to be a lot to take in. I am delighted with the result – for many installers it could be the most important 2 minutes they could spend, maybe over a coffee.”

The AdminBase Video can be seen here: