GGF Urges Scottish Government to Ease Restrictions

The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has written to the three Scottish Government departments, as well as a direct letter to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, asking that the current lockdown restrictions on home improvement companies are eased to allow installers to work safely in people’s homes.

The letters from John Agnew, GGF Managing Director outlined how companies in England are operating within the UK Government’s “Working Safely in People’s Homes Guidance”.

John Agnew commented, “To help GGF Scotland Members resume business and for those homeowners wanting to improve their properties, we have asked the Scottish Government to consider as a matter of urgency, to allow work to take place in people’s homes. As long as companies are operating to the physical distancing and health and safety guidance, and have conducted a health and safety risk assessment, then it surely makes sense to allow home improvements to resume.”

Alex Gray, GGF Scotland Chairman added, “The longer these restrictions remain, the more companies within the Scottish glass and glazing sector are at risk of long term sustainability and perhaps irrecoverable financial damage.”

Currently in Scotland, the restrictions regarding work during COVID-19, companies can only operate in people’s homes if it is an emergency/essential.

The GGF will await on a response from the Scottish Government and will cascade any information or changes with immediate effect.