Let There Be Light, With TuffX

When a homeowner in Ruislip wanted to maximise daylight in a property with a flat-roofed ground-floor extension, TuffX’s Infinity fixed rooflight provided installers HomeWorks Windows with the obvious – and easy-to-fit – solution.

The 1000 x 25000mm standard stock clear glass Infinity fixed rooflight required much less space than a roof lantern, while ensuring the benefits of natural light flooded into the footprint of the building, giving the whole area a well lit, welcoming feel throughout of day.

TuffX’s Infinity flat fixed rooflights not only help increase the amount of natural daylight in indoor spaces, they also provide excellent thermal insulation. The aluminium frame features a thermal break, which creates an insulated barrier and minimises the transference of heat and cold, reducing condensation and further enhancing the rooflight’s energy efficiency.

All Infinity rooflight units come ready to fit ‘straight from the box’ – quick and easy with no additional assembly required on site. And with standard sizes being delivered within three to seven working days nationwide, the rooflight is as quick to arrive as it is to install.

“Available in five standard sizes, in our popular contemporary anthracite grey powder-coated aluminium frame, Infinity rooflights are easy to fit, low maintenance for homeowners and guaranteed for five years,” said Graham Price, TuffX’s Managing Director.

“We also offer solar and privacy glass options, double or triple glazed, and of course we make bespoke sizes too – all delivered directly to site, ready to drop straight in to place.”