GGF Pilot Scheme Heralded a Success as Pulse Testing Goes Nationwide

01/12/2020. Milton Keynes, , UK. Build Test Solutions Stock Images. Photo credit: Dave Warren/Picture Team

The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) is delighted to announce that following a successful pilot scheme for the provision of pulse testing, the service is now available to all installers (GGF members and non-members) nationwide.

“Pulse testing allows installation companies to demonstrate compliance to the much-debated Approved Document F legislation regarding ventilation and indoor air quality,” says Dave Mechem, Director of Inspection & Assessment. “The test shows the airtightness of a building pre and post installation and often, when replacing like for like PVC-U windows, the reading doesn’t change. If this is the case and installers have the test evidence to prove it, there is no need for additional ventilation.

“We have carefully researched the technology and completed a pilot scheme for the tests to ensure everything is in place to support installers. Now that we have finished the pilot scheme in the south and south east, we are ready to go nationwide. The service won’t be restricted to GGF members either because we believe it is so important for the industry. The market is challenging enough, without having to worry about additional ventilation requirements, that often aren’t necessary. Of course, there will be exceptions, in which case extra vents will need to be considered.

“The tests take less than half an hour to complete and the results are available immediately, so offer installers a great way to prove compliance. The technology itself is quick and easy to use with people in the home, so effortlessly fits into the installation process.

“We are excited to offer this service to all installers nationwide and bookings can be made at GGF and FENSA members can also benefit from discounted rates for the service.”