Really Smart Smart Hardware is on The Quickslide Stand at The FIT Show (R31)

Leading fabricator and VS specialist Quickslide has an impressive reputation for introducing innovative design and performance elements to its highly popular replacement vertical sliding box sash windows, taking the attitude that just because they are heritage in style, they don’t have to be any less effective than modern-styled frames. And proving the point at this year’s FIT Show, Quickslide has a full display of unique AviaSmart retrofittable smart door and window locks and sensors, and related accessories.

So what’s so smart about AviaSmart? Following on from the Apple HomeKit approved, AviaSmart multi point doorlock introduced at the legendary Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2019, AviaSmart now includes a unique smart sash fastener for VS windows – a Quickslide exclusive – smart casement handles and secure door and window sensors, all of which connect to the AviaSmart app to alert homeowners to windows and doors that have been left unsecured or whenever they are opened.

As well as all the Apple HomeKit-clever tech behind this smart hardware, a key selling point is that everything can be fitted and retrofitted by anyone with a screwdriver, to any normal PVC-U and aluminium doors and windows. Crucially, offering AviaSmart means no commitment to randomly pre-installing electronics in frames during manufacture, allowing fabricators and installers to choose from a range of highly secure, Apple HomeKit-branded and endorsed smart products according to sales, with no subscription required. Offering AviaSmart window and door security products in a showroom requires minimal change and outlay to begin offering the latest smart security to homeowners.

In addition to having undergone the rigorous testing standards of Apple HomeKit, all AviaSmart products are BSI Kitemarked and Secured by Design where relevant.

See and try AviaSmart home security products on Quickslide stand R31.